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He found a job in Canteen at a fish market. He has cleaned the Canteen and its vessels. On January 2014-2015. Mr.Shetty will be the first Insurance agent in the Country to own a private aircraft and airline Company.

R.K. Shetty

From a simple homemaker, she became an inspiration for many women in her town. As a LIC agent, she could now choose the time that she wishes to dedicate to work where earning capacities are unlimited. Today thanks to LIC, she is a self-made entrepreneur without having made any major investments.

Anshu Agarwal

He is one of those rare professionals who started with humble expectations to earn Rs. 300 per month in 1985. Today many zeroes have added to that 300 and Parekh has become a millionaire. Each year he distributes pensions worth Rs.3 Crores and Rs. 50 Crores are distributed as payments as maturity.

Bharat Parekh

Six years ago, I started a Business with 5 Lakhs investment and suffered a loss.

After that, I have taken up LIC Agency as a business. Now I am having Rs. 3,00,000 as my monthly income, moreover I have given jobs to 8 people. Without any big investment, I have become a Businessman, the reason being LIC Agency.

Raghav Shetty, COT - Agent

His first job was a construction labourer in Chennai 13 years ago. Today, as one of the most accomplished LIC entrepreneurs of his generation, from earning Rs. 75,000 as commission in his first year of LIC entrepreneurship to Rs. 68 Lakh last year. He earned daily wages Rs. 125 as a labourer. Now his income crosses Rs.30,000 per day.

T.G. Anbarasan